As I begin this journey into the world as a "blogger" I asked myself what do I really want to accomplish out of it? The answer, greatness!!! I want to be the "great" that I can be. I have come to learn that I have a talent with in the crafting world and I want to improve it to be the best that I can be! Does that mean I think I'm the best? No! I know that there are others out there that posses this same talent who excell as well. I want to be the best I can be! I want people to see the things I have created and enjoy them just as much as I do! The small things that make me smile everyday! So as we all come to the end of 2012 and we all think what we want to accomplish in 2013, this is one of mine! I want to blog the small things. maybe show the world that I have something to offer it as well. So what better way to get started is by getting to know a new friend... My Cricut! We have been at odds since I bought her but I'm giving her a new start and learning through trial and error that we too can be friends and create many baubles and nic-nacks together!!!