Thursday, January 10, 2013

No gloves required!

10 days into January and we have almost put away the Christmas decorations. It is the most depressing time of the year! Plus all the new resolutions going on...! So I decided thus house needed a little lift and I'm not quite to the valentines stage yet. That will come in a week ;) but still. This house needed some cheering up! And nothing says cheer up quite like a snowman. So I set out to make one. but wait.... As cold as it has been we have no snow on the ground, thank goodness!! After going through this last summer with major hot flashes and menopausal misery I told myself I would NEVER complain about the cold again! Unless you know whats real live hot flashes feel like you can not understand! They are misserable! But yet today I found myself complaining that I was too cold!!! And believe me, I take it back!!! Please don't bring the heat until... Um.... Never :)  anyways back to my snowman story. It feels cold enough that it could snow so I made myself a very cute snowman, or perhaps snowwoman. Perfect for January decorating!! And no gloves were required!!! (except for that one time I burned my finger on the hot glue. Gloves would have been nice) she is perfect. Round, check! Stick arms, check! Hat, check! And carrot nose, um. Sorta, check!  So here she is! She will brighten each winter day! How long is winter?? And how many diffrent.snowmen can I come up with until then?? Perhaps a nic-nack filled snowman next ;)

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