Sunday, January 27, 2013

So many Blogs, so little time!!!

So that title might not be so true! I seem to have enough time to do the crafting but yet when it comes down to the sitting down and blogging it... I lack the motivation to actually do it. But I must press on. Even without the motivation I still want to continue and even tell myself at the end of each craft that I WILL blog it just later. The next thing I know several projects have come and gone!! So this will be know as the catch up blog. Included will be several of the crafts that can fit into this pretty little box. Then I can move on with the next set!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! What a weight to be lifted!!!
Craft 1: Paris in a Box! My first attempt at vinyl. I think it went pretty well. For Christmas I got my sister this very cute shadow box so she could scrapbook some more of her trip to Europe. So we put together this cute arrangment of some of her favorite parts of Paris, or more specific their time at the Eifel Tower. To help complete the look, I added a vinyl of the name Paris. For the most part it was easy to use but placing it on the glass was a challenge. Next time I will remember the transfer tape :)
Craft 2:The Lovable Snowman. I think the last blog posted was my other adorable fish bowl snowman. I loved her so much that I just knew she needed a friend. This here is her short and stout BFF!! I just love her! She has quite the heart, don't you think?! <3
Craft 3: and the last of this set of catch me up blogs is this baby card I made! I am SOOOOO loving having my Cricut machine. The things you can make in a very short amount of time... this baby took me 20 min to put together. Once the idea is there you let the Cricut do ALL the hard work and you get to assemble!! and thats the fun part! I am just having too much fun with them all!! The downfall is that it is a very expensive hobby to have. and you really do want ALLLLLLLLL the cartridges. you will not be satisfied with out them! but thats okay. Its really fun to make things... pretty soon I will have LOADS of cards on hand... so if you want one just let me know!!! it might cost ya, but I will keep it cheep!! Hey! I did say these were expensive right??!!! :)
MAny Baubles and Nic-Nacks to you all!

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